I overheard Bob talking to himself a little bit ago about needing to wrap his mind around this week’s calendar. You can see what he’s talking about on our calendar page. This week we will be all around town in the Minneapolis area – a show at a senior residence, three farmers markets, a video session, and a dance. In our spare moments we will be preparing for next week when we will appear at the Minnesota Bluegrass and Old-Time Music Festival. If you are attending this large, big deal, annual, well-run, super-fun festival, we’d love to see you there. Our sets on the Main Stage bookend the festival (Thursday evening and Sunday noon) so consider coming early and/or staying late. In between we’ll be teaching two workshops: Beginning Old-Time Guitar and Harmony Singing. Check the festival website for every detail about the weekend (http://minnesotabluegrass.org/as_mn-bluegrass-fest). It’s exciting for us to be on a stage with these national acts as headliners: The Traveling McCourys, Clay Hess Band, The Horsenecks, Canote Brothers and Monroe Crossing. If you aren’t going to this big bluegrass festival, we love seeing you around town, too. –Lynn